Behavioral, Statistical and Research Center

Our mission at SMF Life Center is to empower our clients to overcome life's challenges and thrive. We utilize innovative, gender-sensitive techniques that respect diversity and promote mental health and personal growth. Our approach is rooted in the principles of respect, dignity, and holistic well-being.

Our vision is to leverage technology and innovation to enhance our services while staying true to our philosophical, psychological, and sociological ideals. At SMF Life Center, we believe in treating each client with respect and dignity, providing them with the tools they need to overcome mental health issues and life challenges.

We offer comprehensive services designed to support your journey toward well-being. Our offerings include psychological therapy and counseling, academic and applied research commissions, impact evaluation, and personalized life coaching. Each service is tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients, helping them navigate life's challenges and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Psychology. Behavior. Research


Get our assistance wherever you are

On top of our online consultations, we also offer face-to-face consultations for anyone and everyone (depending on restrictions). Ask about our hybrid packages that include both in-person and online consultations.